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The Turvey Website The history and families of Turvey in Bedfordshire, England

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Bailey’s Buses of Turvey

The firm of Bailey's was started by Mr Thomas Bailey in the early 19th century.  They operated carrier carts taking people and goods to Bedford (and its market) three times a week.

The service ran on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.  The horses and carts were replaced by coaches and lorries in the 1930's. The buses were red with black roofs.

The service was very important for village life. My father often talks of the annual village trips to the seaside (usually Yarmouth or Lowestoft).

These photos show two stages in the life of Bailey's Transport. Above is the early horse drawn cart - a rough ride, apparently! The horses and carts were stabled in Carlton Road, later to become Turvey Haulage.

On the left is their smart 1950's coach.  This is my dad and his friends off to the seaside for the day!

The buses were red from 1920 to 1969.

In 1920 a return ticket was 6d and was 1s 8d in 1969

Here are three more photos of the buses owned by Baileys.  Aren't they lovely?

Villagers enjoyed so many great days out on the buses - I wonder if any of the buses are still out there?

Here is the Bailey's Bus timetable for the first half of 1939.  

This picture is from the 'Motor Transport' newspaper, 16 August 1952

Groses of Northampton also operated an open-topped bus service which ran through the village in 1919.

Bailey's buses were advertised in local papers and Kelly's Directories.

Up until World War II the last bus from Bedford left at 11pm!

After Thomas Bailey’s death the firm passed first to his son, Charles Bailey and then on to Charles' son, Frederick Lambert Bailey, and finally to Fred's sons, Frank and Charles.

The firm closed in May 1969 when the two Bailey brothers were 74 and

64 years old respectively.

Turvey Trade