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The Odell Family in Turvey

Known Descendents of Benjamin Odell of Turvey

Benjamin Odell was a church warden in 1709.

Benjamin Odell

  bd. bef 1670

died aft 1709

|Ann Odell

|  bd. bef 6 1698, Turvey, Beds

|  chd. 25 6 1698, Turvey, Beds

||Thomas Odell

||  bd. bef 3 1730, Turvey, Beds

||  bpd. 4 MAR 1729/1730, Turvey, Beds

|||John Odell

|||  bd. bef 1747, Turvey, Beds

|||  chd. 29 5 1747, Turvey, Beds

||||child Odell

||||  bd. 3 3 1770

||||William Odell

||||  bd. 21 11 1773

||||Timothy Odell

||||  bd. bef 1776, Turvey, Beds

||||  occ. Costermonger

||||  chd. 25 2 1776, Turvey, Beds

|||||Kezia Odell

|||||  bd. 2 11 1800

|||||Sarah Odell

|||||  bd. 1 1802, Turvey, Beds

|||||  chd. 16 4 1802, Turvey, Beds

||||Sarah Odell

||||  bd. 8 11 1778

||||Thomas Odell

||||  bd. 4 11 1781

||||Thomas Odell

||||  bd. 1785

||||child Odell

||||  bd. 3 5 1790

|||James Odell

|||  bd. 8 2 1753

|||James Odell

|||  bd. 9 5 1756

|||William Odell

|||  bd. 24 FEB 1749/1750

|||Elizabeth Odell

|||  bd. 16 3 1760

|||Thomas Odell

|||  bd. 17 12 1760

|||Francis Odell

|||  bd. 1757

|||James Odell

|||  bd. 1757

|Susanna Odell

|  bd. 16 8 1691

|Mary Odell

|  bd. 25 6 1693

|Ann Odell

|  bd. 15 11 1696

|Ann Odell

|  bd. 10 11 1689

|Benjamin Odell

|  bd. 18 8 1700

|Hannah Odell

|  bd. 22 8 1703


aft = after

bd= born

bch = bachelor

bef = before

bpd = baptised

c = child

chd = christened

d = daughter

h = husband

ilig - illegitimate

lab = labourer

occ = occupation

PR = Parish Relief

s = son

sp = spinster

w = wife

wid = widow/er

Odell is a very widespread name in North Bedfordshire.

It is  usually pronounced like the nearby village of the same name:

It is ‘Oh-dull' to rhyme with modal

not 'Oh-dell'

or ‘Odd-dull’ to rhyme with model