 The history and families of Turvey in Bedfordshire, England

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Turvey School Photos

Thanks to my father, Alan, for these wonderful photographs of Turvey schoolchildren of days past.  If you should recognise anyone please do let me know.

Some of the earlier pictures are, unfortunately, rather blurred - the cameras of the day needed rather long exposure times and small children rarely sat still enough!


Boys in the left hand picture, girls in the right.


This picture shows the boys from 1904 or 1905.

The two female teachers at the back are Miss Hulatt (left of picture) and Miss Knight (later Mrs Goldney).

The Headmaster is in the centre and he was called Mr Hopkins.  I wonder why two of the lads do not have jackets on - do you think they didn't have any or had just 'mislaid' them that day?


Schoolboys in 1911.  These are an unusually smart group!

May Day celebrations. Date unknown but I should think very early 1900s.

Two more undated pictures from the turn of the last century.  The left picture is of the Infants Class.


Turvey School in 1922 (date is on the blackboard!)

This photo includes my nan, Celia (fourth girl from right on back row).  If you would like to read about her school days, her Memories are here on this page of the website.


This is Turvey Playgroup, pictured in 1970.

Children’s clothes have certainly changed since the 1920s.

Mid 1970s

Here we see some children

playing in the school playground.

I believe this photo is mid 1970s.

Click any image to enlarge it.

Click any image to enlarge it.


Here are the staff and children of the Junior School in 1908.

The ladies are wearing some very fancy flowered hats so I think this may well have been taken as part of the May Day celebrations that year.


The Infants in the left hand picture, the older children in the right.

Everyone looks very happy :-)