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The Turvey Website The history and families of Turvey in Bedfordshire, England

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Turvey Society

Turvey has always been a sociable village, with many clubs and societies for its residents.  On these pages we explore those organizations and other aspects of village life.  You can use the buttons on the left to go to pages dedicated to various aspects of village life.

Schools Railways World Wars Church Choir Special Occasions

Many of Turvey’s clubs and societies were founded by Charles Longuet Higgins.

Brownies and Scouts

The first Turvey Brownie pack was started in the early 1960's by Ethel Umney.  In the following years the church organist, Enid Wandsworth became the Brown Owl with Gwen Wooding as her Tawney.

There was also a Scout pack which from 1928-1935 which met in the Working Men's Room in Bamford's Yard.

According to Quarter Session records, in 1843, Turvey petitioned that the police force should be discontinued except for the chief constable and superintendents!

Turvey Cricket Club

Here are some old photos of Turvey's cricket team. This was a noted county club in the 1890's.  At this time the captain was George Edward Hopkins - the Headmaster of the National School and choirmaster/ organist.  There is more about him on the Schools page.

The top right picture is from 1949. Sadly I do not know the date of the others.  If you click the two right hand pictures, they will enlarge so you can see more details.

Turvey had its own policemen.  A visitor to this site remembers PC Lake and PC Pickering.

Dear Gert

Just found out that I can’t com out today Missus just tolded me because she is going out to tea I think she might have said so before I don’t know wether you will get this be 4 oclock but I hope so She did not tell me while 11:15 this morning

Goodbye Best love


Picture postcard sent from Turvey to Miss G Roberts of 45 DeParys Avenue, Bedford, dated 1.05 pm,  February 13th 1906.  Please note that the spellings are as the original.

Villagers had their own ways of saying things.

Postal Services in Turvey

With many postal deliveries throughout the day, people could once send postcards where we would now use a telephone.  I know that one could certainly not post a postcard in the middle of the day in Turvey now and expect anyone in Bedford to receive it before 4pm!  There is now only one post a day.

Turvey had a branch of the Bedford District of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

It was called Victoria Lodge and was formed in 1842.  Between 1926 and 1932, members could receive a payment of 2/ per week if they were unable to work because of sickness.

Turvey Friendly Society

The Friendly Society was formed to help villagers with burial expenses and when wage-earners were ill.  Turvey';s Friendly Society was founded by the Rev Legh Richmond. The following is a quote from "A Memoir of the Rev. Legh Richmond" by the Rev. T.S. Grimshawe, published in 1828.

Turvey Horticultural Society

The Turvey Horticultural Society began its Annual Flower Show in 1875.  Competition was tough and a large proportion of the village would turn out to see the exhibits.

Here are the Committee members as of Monday 18 August, 1879.

Turvey Temperance Society

Turvey had a busy Temperance Society - concerned with educating people as to the dangers of alcohol.  On 6 August 1879 the committee members were:

Senior Branch - J Mark, G Underwood, C Wallinger, T W Hinds, G West and J Harley.

The secretary was E Harley

Junior Branch - Mrs Munby, Mrs Skevington, Miss Perry, Mr G Wooding, G King, J Bailey.

The secretary was M E Foskett


More recently Turvey has had a particularly good theatre group - TATS - Turvey Amateur Theatrical Society.

They were founded in 1980 and have done some excellent productions (I know this,from personal experience!)

To find out more about their latest productions, why not visit their website - T.A.T.S

Nuns march from the Parish Church carrying embroidered banners from various local church groups.

Mr Gasking Mr Jas. Whitworth Mr C Bailey Mr G Finch Mr T King Mr T Lay Mr C Paine Mr J Pullen Mr W Rubithon Mr C Sinfield Mr C Wallinger Mr J Whitmee Mr R Wooding Mr F Wright

Turvey Football Team

Turvey played in the Bedford and District Football League for many years.

In 1938-9 they were in Division 3.

The club strip was “Green with White Cuffs & Collars, White Knicks”.

The Club Secretary was F.I. Horn of 6 May Road, and their “dressing room” was Bailey’s Cafe in Bridge Street.

They played the following fixtures for that season. H= home, A=away

3/9 - Lidlington A

10/9 - Bedford Loco A

17/9 - Lidlington H

24/9 - Wilstead H

8/10 - Girtford Rovers A

15/10 - St Neots St Marys H

29/10 - London Brick Co. A

5/11 - Meltis A

19/11 - Britannia Wks Res. A

26/11 - Bedford Loco H

3/12 - R.B.S. Sports A

10/12 - R.B.S. Sports H

17/12 - Corinthians A

24/12 - Stevington A

26/12 - Stevington H

7/1 - Sandy Res. A

14/1 - Sandy Res H

21/1 - Meltis H

28/1 - Shefford Hardwick A

4/2 - Electricity Works A

11 /2 - Corinthians H

25/2 - Britannia Wks R. H

4/3 - Wilstead A

11/3 - London Brick Co H

18/3 - Marston Shelton A

25/3 - Electricity Works H

1 /4 - Girtford Rovers A

8/4 - St Neots SM A

22/4 - Marston Shelton H

6/5 - Shefford Hardwick H

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