©2015 Deborah Richardson
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Sometimes the villagers celebrated special occasions.
Royalty provided many of these, with coronations and jubilees being a great excuse of a party or other activities.
1887 -
1897 -
1901 -
1902 -
1911 -
1935 -
1937 -
1945 -
1953 -
1977 -
1981 -
1986 -
2002 -
2011 -
2012 -
For the Coronation of King Edward VII in 1902, the village had a special Sports Day.
One of the more unusual events was the Menagerie Race. For this, contestants would race along with an animal, on a leash. You can see that some sorts of animals were banned from taking part -
Click the image to enlarge.
These two images (left) are from 22 June 1911 when the village celebrated the coronation of King George V.
The top picture shows crowds gathered in front of the entrance to the church. Thank you to Mr Nigel Stickells for sending me this wonderful picture.
The lower picture is of the decorations in the village hall.
Click either picture to enlarge it.
The Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in 1977.
Here are two pictures taken in Tandy’s Close.
There was a street party with lots of food!
Click the images to enlarge
Here are three pictures showing the beautiful decorations inside the parish church to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in June 2012.
Click any image to enlarge it.
Some Turvey ladies dressed as women from different countries in the British Empire.
I can see Canada, Scotland, Wales, South Africa, New Zeland, Australia, India and in the middle is my nan, Celia Richardson, dressed as John Bull to represent England.
I am guessing this dates from the late 1940s and is probably to celebrate Empire Day.
Empire Day was on the 24th May.
Click on the image to enlarge.
And another Sports Day was held to celebrate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.
This time there was also a Fancy Dress Parade at 1:45pm and a Comic Football Match at 2:45pm -
Click on the image to enlarge.
Some more villagers, dressed up for a special occasion.
I see a nurse, Native American, Pierrot and pig amongst the crowd. I wonder what event was being celebrated here.
Click on the image to enlarge.