 The history and families of Turvey in Bedfordshire, England

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Turvey Under Water

Due to its close proximity to the River Ouse, the village still floods regularly, the lush green fields in front of Turvey House and the mill becoming lakes.  

Many cottages around the Three Fyshes Inn and this end of the village have streams running through their gardens which also burst their banks once or twice a year.  There are high water gauges on the side of The Three Fyshes Inn showing the floods.

The Floodometer

The 'floodometers' on the wall of The Three Fyshes Inn which shows record flood heights over the years.

There was a bad flood in March 1947 following 6 weeks of snow.  There are stone marking the heights of two such floods. Click the right hand picture to enlarge.

This is the Great Flood on 29th April, 1910.  The water has almost covered poor Jonah (the statue) and the mill looks to be a little soggy!

Here's Bridge Street under water in the 1930's.  At times the river flooded so high that some folks were rescued from their homes by boats!  

Please note though, that nowadays the flooding is confined mainly to the fields either side of the river - most

of Turvey is perfectly safe from flooding!

The Environment Agency website has a page where you can see the actual height of the River Ouse at Turvey right now.

On 26th September 1797 there was a very bad flood. This was recorded on the ‘floodometer’ affixed to The Three Fyshes Inn (see above).

Also recorded is the bad flooding on January 1725.

Early December 1886 saw very heavy rainfall and the Northampton Mercury reported “the meadows, on Thursday, had almost the air of an open sea. It has been great number years since the brooks which emptied into the Ouse were so high.”

One of the highest ever floods was on 1 November 1823 (this is also recorded on the Three Fyshes “floodometer”.

The floods rose 6ft and afterwards the road was raised 2 ft.